Tags: SD card SDIO GPIO

SD_D1 and SD_CD can be used as GPIO, when not using SDIO

With GPIOS_1 and GPIOS_4 we refer to serial GPIO to control LEDs (pin 9 (SD_D1) and 11 (SD_CD) of the QFN128 RTL8735BDM).


GPIOS_1 and GPIOS_4: If you are not using SDIO, these pins are free to use as GPIO.

Refer to the following test code.

#include "gpio_api.h"
#include "us_ticker_api.h"
#include "wait_api.h"

#define GPIO_LED_S1       PS_1
#define GPIO_LED_S4       PS_4

int main(void)
    gpio_t gpio_led_s1;
    gpio_t gpio_led_s4;

    dbg_printf("\r\n   GPIO DEMO Michael  \r\n");

    // Init LED control pin
    gpio_init(&gpio_led_s1, GPIO_LED_S1);
    gpio_dir(&gpio_led_s1, PIN_OUTPUT);        // Direction: Output
    gpio_mode(&gpio_led_s1, PullNone);         // No pull

    gpio_init(&gpio_led_s4, GPIO_LED_S4);
    gpio_dir(&gpio_led_s4, PIN_OUTPUT);        // Direction: Output
    gpio_mode(&gpio_led_s4, PullNone);         // No pull

    while (1) {
        if (gpio_read(&gpio_led_s1)) {
            // turn off LED
            gpio_write(&gpio_led_s1, 0);
        } else {
            // turn on LED
            gpio_write(&gpio_led_s1, 1);

        if (gpio_read(&gpio_led_s4)) {
            // turn off LED
            gpio_write(&gpio_led_s4, 0);
        } else {
            // turn on LED
            gpio_write(&gpio_led_s4, 1);
